A New Link in Bio Tool That’s Worth Using

Business owners know that their brand doesn’t live on a single URL anymore. Between your social channels, apps, marketplaces, and content—not to mention your online shop—your brand works best when it lives and thrives on multiple platforms.

That’s why link in bio tools have exploded in popularity, especially for businesses and creators. These tools, such as Shopify’s Linkpop, Linktree, or Lnk.Bio, let you curate a list of links on a custom landing page with a simplified URL.

They’re called “link in bio” because that’s the phrase people often post in social media captions. Because you can’t put a link in an Instagram or TikTok caption, you instead direct people to click the link in the bio on your profile page.

Traditionally, that just might be a link to a single store or YouTube page, but link in bio tools allow you to do so much more with that one, valuable link.

This guide will show you how to build a link in bio page that elevates your social media presence and drives customers and audiences to exactly where you want them to go.

Why you need a link in bio landing page

Having an online business means you’ve built an ecosystem. It’s not rare for an entrepreneur to simultaneously be running a Facebook page, an Instagram profile, a TikTok profile, and perhaps even a YouTube page or Twitch stream. Maybe you also have content on a blog, a newsletter, or a landing page you’ve worked really hard on.

When you’re only sharing one link at a time with your audience, they’re missing out on all that and will have difficulty following you across all the platforms you operate on.

That’s the beauty of a link in bio page. It’s a place where your audience and customers can find you, every place you are.

Plus, with Linkpop, it’s also a way to highlight products and categories on your Shopify site in a way that helps customers find exactly what they’re looking for.

It takes the guesswork out of deciding what link to highlight on various bios on your online profiles. A link in bio profile page can be used anywhere you promote your business in place of simply a link to your shop.

How Linkpop can support your business

Linkpop is a fully customizable link in bio tool that can be used by anyone and offers big advantages over other services. And for those with a Shopify store, using Linkpop means making the most of the platform, because your entire catalog of products are integrated as shoppable links.

In your Linkpop, you can add links and images for individual products, and customers can add them to their cart and initiate checkout directly from Linkpop. That adds a whole new sales channel before a customer even visits your store’s website.

Take a look at this example from Judy, a shop that specializes in emergency preparedness kits.

In addition to social media links and store links, it’s highlighted products its lanterns. Including the product here means it’s only one step to purchase.

"Incredibly simple to integrate. So much easier for potential customers to navigate," the owners told Shopify.

And the biggest advantage is that Linkpop integrates Shop Pay—Shopify’s accelerated checkout method. Shop Pay offers one-tap checkout, and we know that it’s highly trusted by customers who increasingly want a faster, more seamless checkout.

Linkpop also has a built-in analytics dashboard to complement your store’s analytics. Linkpop can tell you how many people have visited your profile, what links they clicked, and how many clicks you got per visit on average. Other link in bio tools, such as Linktree, require a premium membership to see detailed traffic information.

Ready to create your business? Start your free trial of Shopify—no credit card required.

How to make your link in bio with Linkpop in 5 steps

To get started, go to Linkpop.com and sign in with a Shopify identity. If you don’t already have one, you can create it for free. If you already have a Shopify store, simply use your login email and your Linkpop can be connected with your product catalog in one click.

Once you’re in, you can get to the fun part.

Step 1: Set up your profile

In the Profile tab, you can customize the look of your Linkpop page.

Here, you can change the font, background color, and font color to match your existing branding.

Next, you’ll be able to claim the URL for your Linkpop, which will be linkpop.com/yourname. Once you’ve chosen the name, it can’t be changed, so choose something simple like your store name, or your name if you’re a creator.

You’ll also set a profile picture, which could be your logo, and the page’s title. Next, you’ll fill in a bio. For consistency, you can use the same bio you use on a social media site, such as Instagram.

All your changes will show in a mobile-sized preview on the same page. Remember to hit “Publish” to save your progress.

Step 2: Add your social channels

In the Social media tab, you can link to your various social media channels.

When you populate these fields, each site’s icon will appear on your Linkpop with a link to that page. There’s also an option to link to a Shopify store from one of these icons.

Take a look at how Paper Cloth Plus set up its icons, with links to its shop, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter profiles.

If you want to draw attention to a particular social media profile, you can link to it again in the Links tab. We recommend including the social media app’s icon again to make it clear where that link will go.

You can also use the Links tab to build a link to a particular social media post, such as a popular TikTok or YouTube video, to highlight it.

Step 3: Add your store link

Although there’s an icon for your shop link, it’s a good idea to add it in the links section as well.

In the Links tab, you can create a button link to any URL or to any product in your shop. You should start with a link to your shop’s homepage, but you can also get more creative than that by adding links to things such as:

  • Individual product categories
  • Sale pages
  • Seasonal items
  • New releases

Jack & Bo, for example, included links to its Play collection, as well as new arrivals. 

You can judge what to include based on what your top selling categories are, or look at your shop’s metrics to see which categories are visited the most.

Step 4: Add product links

With an integrated Shopify store, you can add buttons for individual products that you sell.

It’s not a good idea to include everything, but you could choose to highlight:

  • Your top seller
  • A product you’ve recently posted on social media
  • A new product

Sugardoh, for example, has its core product—classic sugaring paste—front and center so it’s one of the first things a customer sees when they open the brand’s Linkpop.

Again, with Shop Pay, customers can select a product and check out in only a few clicks.

Step 5: Get creative

Links to your social media, store, and products are all items you should definitely include, but you can think outside the box, too.

Consider adding links to:

  • Customer reviews
  • Press coverage
  • Blog posts
  • Your newsletter sign-up page
  • Your retail locations
  • Your business’ story or founder’s bio
  • Your contact information
  • Marketplaces you sell on

For inspiration, take a look at the Linkpop for Pink House, which goes beyond the basics and gives customers a fuller picture of what the brand is all about.

Make those links pop

Let’s review by taking a look at one last example. This is the Linkpop for Station, a brand that makes cold brew and cold brew concentrate.

With Station’s link in bio profile, a potential customer can easily find (and in one place!) links for:

  • Station’s social media profiles
  • Top-selling products
  • Station’s subscription service
  • Where to buy at retail stores
  • Information for new customers

Plus, it tells us that its link in bio built with Linkpop is having a positive impact on sales.

“Linkpop has become a must-have in all our bios for social—the added option to have product pictures has helped drive sales,” Station told us.

Using a link in bio tool puts your most important information in one place, and it can change as your business changes. You can reshuffle your links at any time or add new ones according to what’s selling, what’s trending, and what you want customers to see right now. By monitoring your analytics, you can strategically optimize as you go.

You’ve put time into growing your business across the web, and with a link in bio tool you can bring it all home.